Accreditation for Security Sector

Security Sector Accreditation

Assuring the quality of products, services and technology that protect people and premises and hold safe valued or confidential items

Quality security initiatives help prevent damage to, or theft of, property or possessions and keep people safe in their workplaces, at home and whilst travelling.  They also provide confidence in Personal Protective Equipment such as face masks or life jackets and survival clothing.

From data and IT security to protection from arson and espionage to criminal investigations and forensic tests, accredited services deliver confidence in security measures. UKAS supports the UK Forensic Science Regulator by accrediting laboratories submitting forensic test results to the criminal justice system. Accredited laboratories are also trusted to deliver accurate paternity or DNA tests.

Private security contractors operating either on land or at sea can be subject to accredited certification, as can alarms and security systems or individuals working as security professionals.

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