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International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Mandatory Documents – Updated and New Documents

This bulletin is intended to clarify the requirements for the adoption of the updated version of IAF MD5 and of the new IAF documents MD10 and MD11.

IAF MD5: 2015 – Duration of QMS and EMS Audits

The updated document was published on 9 June 2015 with an immediate implementation; therefore at your next UKAS assessment the assessment team will review your implementation of the MD.

In the meantime CBs should review the updated version to ascertain whether the changes necessitate any change to their current procedures and working practices.

IAF MD10: 2013Assessment of Certification Body Management of Competence in Accordance with ISO/IEC 17021:2011.

This MD was published on 11 Feb 2013 with a stated application date of 11 Feb 2014

Accredited CBs should review their current practices for competence assessment to ascertain the implications of the new MD and consider whether any changes to processes are necessary.

At your next UKAS assessment, the assessment team will review your plans and progress for the implementation of this MD.

IAF MD11: 2013 – Application of ISO/IEC 17021 for audits of Integrated Management Systems

This new MD was published on 25th March 2013 with IAF stating an Immediate Application requirement.

Therefore accredited CBs should immediately review this MD and consider implementation of any changes required to existing systems and processes. Recognising that some time is necessary for CBs to review and implement this, UKAS will start using this MD in assessments form January 2014 at which time, at each CBs scheduled visit, the assessment team will review the implementation of the MD.

All of the above Mandatory Documents can be downloaded from the IAF website on http://www.iaf.nu/articles/Mandatory_Documents_/38

Should you require any clarification to the above please contact your Assessment Manager, or Kevin Belson – Technical Manager.