Technical Advisory Committee

Engineering Inspection

The purpose of the Engineering Inspection Technical Advisory Committee (EITAC) is to:

  • Provide technical advice on interpretation of accreditation requirements on specific technical fields
  • Assist in the identification of sources of expertise in specific areas where UKAS require technical expertise to conduct assessments
  • Consider input from the ‘market place’ and from users/beneficiaries of engineering inspection and related inspection schemes, especially with respect to their relevance, validity and effectiveness. Representative ‘user’ bodies may include trade organisations, trade associations, major purchasing authorities, regulators, insurers etc.
  • Generate increased confidence in the UKAS approach to accreditation of inspection bodies and to promote the credibility and added value of accredited inspection activities.
  • Discuss, progress and agree competence criteria of inspection bodies as defined in UKAS guidance (eg.RG) documents.
  • When necessary relate the discussions of the Group to the broad spectrum of product conformity, which includes voluntary product certification, testing & calibration, QMS sector schemes, safety aspects etc.
  • Provide input into UKAS’ contribution to multi-lateral and mutual recognition agreements at European and International levels
  • Provide a forum for discussing general concerns about inspection body activities.
  • Assist in the identification of potential assessors and sources of assessors
  • Identify the need for the establishment of any specialist task group
  • Constitution

    The EITAC is an advisory, non-executive committee providing a forum for the exchange of input from various bodies with an interest in UKAS activities within inspection.

    Participation in the Group will be invited from UKAS, LEEA, Brokers Forum, EEMUA/CUI, I PLANT E, LPGA, BCGA, SAFed, NAFLIC, HSE, and other relevant bodies.

    The Chairman will be selected from the membership. Membership of the Group will be by mutual agreement and be reviewed every year. A secretary to the Group will be appointed by UKAS.

    At the invitation of the Chairman, other parties may attend meetings of the Group. On such occasions the minutes shall clearly state the affiliations of the invited participants.

  • Procedures

    Decisions on issues discussed by the Group should be reached by consensus, i.e. not by voting.

    The Group will meet as necessary, usually twice per year. Provisional dates should be set at the previous meeting.

    Where appropriate, matters for comment, discussion or approval should be dealt with by postal or electronic communication, e.g. where there is a matter requiring urgent attention by the members between meetings.

    The Chairman and the Secretary should agree the agenda prior to distribution of the papers for the meeting. The Secretary shall ensure that the Group members receive briefing papers as necessary before the meeting to permit time for consultation and consideration. Papers for meetings are not public documents.

    The Secretary will provide draft minutes to the Chairman within two weeks of the meeting. . If confirmed, the agreed minutes will be submitted to the members within an additional two weeks. If unconfirmed, the minutes will in any case be submitted to the members within a further two weeks.

    On matters requiring specific technical expertise, task groups may be set up. UKAS will identify and appoint a Chairman for the task group, either following recommendation from the Group or on the basis of other knowledge of the required skills and expertise. The Group will agree the membership of the task group. The task group will appoint a Secretary as necessary.

    Task groups will be set up for a limited period, normally not more than one year, with a specific remit of actions and will be disbanded once the actions are completed. They will meet only as often as necessary to complete the tasks in the timescale set. Task groups will report to the EITAC either through the Secretary or by attendance of the task group Chairman at the EITAC meeting as appropriate.