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BRCGS Agents and Brokers Categories 3 and 4 Extension to Scope Update

This document intends to provide clear instructions to certification bodies that currently offer accredited certification for BRCGS Storage and Distribution categories 3 and 4, and aim to include in their schedule of accreditation the same categories for BRCGS Agents and Brokers scheme.

The UKAS assessment process will be based on a desktop review. The documentation provided for review must include the following:

  • Extension to scope application,
  • Risk assessment that considers the competence of new or preferably existing qualified auditors for the Global standards for Food, Packaging, or Consumer Products (analysis of their background, auditing experience and knowledge on the specific categories for Agents and Brokers and the risk associated with these activities),
  • Availability and competence of the technical reviewer and/ or final person responsible for certification with regard to the specific category under Agents and Brokers scheme, and
  • Evidence of compliance to minimum 2 annual audits against this standard for each auditor according to BRCGS AB208: Guidelines on satisfying Auditor Competence.

Accreditation may be granted following satisfactory assessment by desktop review of all above documentation without the need for a witnessed assessment. However, if the documentation reviewed does not provide clear evidence of competence for the new versions, a witnessed assessment may be required.

Once accreditation has been granted, witnessed assessments in each new category will be required as part of the initial accreditation cycle.

Should you require any clarification on the above, please contact your Assessment Manager.

Should you require any clarification on the subject covered by this bulletin, please contact; your Assessment Manager or Kevin Belson, Technical Manager – [email protected]

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