2 mins read

ILAC-G19:06/2022 Modules in a Forensic Science Process

A revised version of ILAC G19 was published on the ILAC website on the 29th June 2022 – https://ilac.org/latest_ilac_news/revised-ilac-g19-document-published/

ILAC G19 provides interpretation of accreditation criteria within a forensic context and is therefore used by UKAS, alongside ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO 15189, for the assessment of forensic units undertaking examination and testing in the forensic science process.

The review and update of ILAC G19 was initially prompted by the publication of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 such that changes in the international standard could be reflected within ILAC G19, most significantly in the correlation charts, but also within the text, for example, with the inclusion of risks and opportunities.

Additionally, the correlation charts have been updated to include refence to ISO 15189 to assist in the application of this standard in a forensic context, for example, forensic toxicology analysis conducted within medical laboratories or examination and testing conducted at sexual offence centres.

Furthermore, the review of ILAC G19 was an opportunity to revise and update the document to reflect changes since the last edition, for example, in relation to the increased use of electronic devices.

Accredited forensic units, and those preparing for accreditation, will need to review the revised document and identify the changes from the previous version such that they can evaluate whether any of the changes prompt an update to their own systems to ensure continued suitability of approach. This review shall be documented, for example in a gap analysis, such that it can be reviewed by UKAS at subsequent assessments.

To allow organisations time to conduct this review and implement any required changes UKAS will start to incorporate the revised version of ILAC G19 within all assessments to forensic units from the 1st November 2022. This will include any routine surveillance / reassessments as well as initial assessments and assessments for extension to scope.

However, it is expected that forensic units will complete the review, the identification of changes and the completion of associated actions prior to the 1st November, irrespective of when their next UKAS assessment is due.


If you have any queries regarding the above, please contact your Assessment Manager.


Download a pdf copy of this bulletin here.